As we look back on the last couple years, it was the Seattle Seahawks entering the football stadium to compete for the championship of the sport. Sadly that is not the case this year but that doesn't mean we can't learn from the other teams and athletes competing. To even compete in the NFL you have to be an athlete at the top of your game, both physically and mentally. And many of these athletes have attributed their success on the field to Chiropractic care. Aaron Rodgers has been lucky enough to be living a Chiropractic lifestyle since birth, because fortunately for him, his father is a Chiropractor. So what exactly can we learn from them? Well Jerry Rice has become the spokesman for The Foundation of Chiropractic Progress because he states that his longevity in the NFL was due to his excellent spine care. He received chiropractic care throughout his entire NFL career. He feels that unlike many other retired NFL players, he is not falling apart due to the brutal nature of the game. His body was always given the opportunity to heal through Chiropractic. While most of us will never become professional football players, or any professional athlete for that matter, we can learn big lessons from their successes. Chiropractic care allows our bodies to react quickly to whatever stresses we present it with. This gives us the optimal chance to heal on our own, allowing our bodies to do what needs to be done so that we can function better. We can all benefit from increased mental sharpness when our bodies are free of subluxations. Although we place physical demands on our body, when we take care of our spine & nervous system, we can continue to perform at a high level.
In love and health,
Dr. Jes
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